We provide quality sustainable services for women and girls through direct service delivery and networking.
Our Achievements
- A fully functional secretariat in Kitgum which is tasked with coordination of its activities
- A team of qualified and committed administrative and field staff.
- A team of qualified board members with different professions.
- Established a group of volunteers who support in program implementation and monitoring
- High level of networking and coordination with stakeholders and partner’s organization in the implementation of its programs in project location.
- Availability of policies, Human Resource, Finance, Anti corruption, gender, volunteer, interns, asset and procurement policy.
- 100 women and girls have benefited from psychosocial support according to their testimonies
- Existent of 20 organized and trained groups in life skill, business skill and VSLA have benefited from women voice for development
- 30 families have been mediated and reunited with families as a result of domestic violence.
- 200 cases of domestic violence have been registered and 50 cases are in court pending trial.
- 20 survivors of sexual gender based violence cases have received medical support from women voice for development.
- 100 cases have been referred for medical support.
- Existent of women network at sub county, parish and village levels. Who are working as community resource persons.
- Organized 5 community meetings and dialogue
- Organized 6 radio talk shows for advocacy on human rights
- Organized 5 school clubs
- Organized 4 sensitizations in schools on Sexual gender based violence
Need more information?
Please contact us
Mango seedlings for sale for women voice for development.
Picture showing a senior woman teacher trained by women voice for development on girl safe space during girls school sensitization meeting in wigweng P/S in Kitgum District
Photo: showing a family who are survivors of domestic violence supported in psychosocial counseling, mediation then later given a livelihood support by women voice for development in Kitgum district
Community psychosocial support team having their monthly reflection meeting with a staff of women voice for development
Group of women who are from the garden supporting one of the group member for sustainable food security and food production.
picture the over whelming of a woman who plays a big role as a guardian to some of this orphans
photo showing one of the local leaders trained in human right based mediation by women voice for development conducted a mediation process in Omiya- anyima sub-county Kitgum district
photo showing a staff of women voice for development conducted a school sensitization on life skill to pupils of Labworomor P/S Kitgum district.
photo showing staff of women voice for development with other stakeholders for a radio talk show during the human right week of 2020