Women Voice for Development

Women voice for development


Women voice for development


Our Mission

making a brighter future by providing quality sustainable services for women and girls through direct service delivery and networking

About Us

Women voice for development is a women led non-profit organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.  Women voice was established in 2017 by a group of women who had knowledge and skills, with a vision to create a platform through which young girls and women can be empowered psychologically, economically and health wise. 

The organization is registered with the District as a CBO and operates in Kitgum in northern Uganda. Our projects are located in Amida Sub county, Kitgum District


Our Vision

A society where peace and justice prevail for and among women and girls and the larger community without discrimination


Provide quality sustainable services for women and girls through direct service delivery and networking


  • Self-reliance
  • Dignity 
  • Hope
  • Respect 
  • Nondiscrimination 
  • Honesty
  • Transparency and
  • Accountability

Overall Objective

Our overall objective is to; promote gender equality, diversity, and women emancipation, defend and protect women’s right and gender promote gender inclusiveness, reduce poverty & domestic violence, promote peaceful co-existence, promote education for all girls, health, food security, equality and defend human rights and mitigate conflicts in order to achieve sustainable livelihood through equitable service delivery.

Our Purpose

  1. Empower women and girls to fight poverty and improve their livelihood
  2. Provide a plat form for the voiceless to speak.
  3. To promote dignity among women and girls
  4. To contribute to a violence free community
  5. To disseminate information on reproductive health issues
  6. Promote environmental protection and conservation
  7. To promote Education for girls and women

To provide psychosocial support for SGBV survivors

Gender relevance

Join us in making a difference!

We continue to up lift the status of young women and girls at the grass roots while involving males as indirect beneficiaries and allies to support the initiatives in the community.

The projects have always been adopting a multi actor approaches by involving local government authorities at parish and sub county and district levels, non-governmental organizations and community groups on ground.